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ТЕМА: When ALC will be implemented?

Any projection on when ALC will be implemented? 24 Сен 2022 00:54 #1

  • k2kxk
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Hi. I know that some manufactures frown on using ALC to control the drive going to a linear. However, on my SPE 1.5k it is highly recommended and works very well particularly on SSB. Without it, I am having trouble getting the combination of drive and mic gain so that I get close to rated power but don’t trip the amp’s overdrive protection. It works really great on rigs that use it like my Icom 7300. On the other hand, Flex really doesn’t want you to use it and SPE has come up with a special solution for Flex which works pretty well but is complicated. Anyway, implementing ALC in eesdr3 would really solve this problem. Is it anywhere on the horizon?
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Any projection on when ALC will be implemented? 26 Сен 2022 02:09 #2

  • N8SDR
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k2kxk пишет:
Hi. I know that some manufactures frown on using ALC to control the drive going to a linear. However, on my SPE 1.5k it is highly recommended and works very well particularly on SSB. Without it, I am having trouble getting the combination of drive and mic gain so that I get close to rated power but don’t trip the amp’s overdrive protection. It works really great on rigs that use it like my Icom 7300. On the other hand, Flex really doesn’t want you to use it and SPE has come up with a special solution for Flex which works pretty well but is complicated. Anyway, implementing ALC in eesdr3 would really solve this problem. Is it anywhere on the horizon?

The problem with ALC is there is NO Set Standard-

EE talked about it last year in a live video- I would imagine a couple more release and at least 1 or 2 Beta before you get some ALC.

Personally, ALC is worthless- and in fact if not properly done causes more issues than not having it it all

There are a few AMP manufactures that don't have ALC inputs (ACOM) for one
By the time most ALC sends a signal back its already too late you now you start a clipping situation.

It's one of those things that sounds like a good idea but it's really a total crap shoot, which produces more overshoots and peaks then you would have if you properly managed your output manually to begin with.
Please do not email me and ask for help I no longer will be part of this, If I could delete /remove my profile I would do so.
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Спасибо сказали: Smiffy333

Any projection on when ALC will be implemented? 27 Сен 2022 08:13 #3

  • DaveVK
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I think ACOM amps do have ALC inputs. I haven't seen an amp without ALC inputs.
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Any projection on when ALC will be implemented? 27 Сен 2022 23:25 #4

  • N8SDR
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DaveVK пишет:
I think ACOM amps do have ALC inputs. I haven't seen an amp without ALC inputs.

Absolutely the Acom 1000 / 1010 and a couple other of their amps DO NOT HAVE ALC inputs

I have Acom 1000 there is no ALC ACOM


NO ALC just input output and a key line in and key line out period, Plus AC mains

And as much as I con not stand FLEX they actually have it right as well in regard to a TRUE SDR transmitter I would encourage you to read the follow article.

ALC in a TRUE SDR doesn't work the same as in the analogue radio domain not even close.


also note the text regarding ACOM 2000 series NOT recommend stated by ACOM

ALC is not proven, you can as I said do more damage using ALC then if you properly manage your power max input set by a max RF power level (drive) to begin with.
ALC can cause flat topping and other crap creating IMD and distortion- (caused by delays when using a TRUE SDR) because you would have to convert the signal in ALC to analogue voltage control value from a digital value and that takes unnecessary time in which the clamping acts to slow this is the reason EE stated ALC has trimming issues with SDR rigs that is true because you have to convert digital signal to analogue voltage signal
Please do not email me and ask for help I no longer will be part of this, If I could delete /remove my profile I would do so.
Последнее редактирование: 27 Сен 2022 23:28 от N8SDR.
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Спасибо сказали: Rome, Smiffy333

Any projection on when ALC will be implemented? 30 Сен 2022 20:31 #5

  • Tom W3FRG
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The RF Kit, RF 2K+ and RF 2KS, also do not use ALC

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