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ТЕМА: E-Coder 2 - Problems

E-Coder 2 - Problems 01 Июнь 2023 19:44 #1

  • DG1VM
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Hello all,

I have purchased a new E-Coder2 and now probably have problems with the power supply.

The hint with 5V/min. 0,5A I have read.
I got myself a Y-cable (2x USB port to a USB socket).
Here both currents of the USB ports are pulled and should actually provide enough for the supply of the E-Coder 2.

Unfortunately, on all systems I have problems with hanging waterfall graph, crackling audio, the software literally stalls, etc....

All machines with 1.0.4beta....Apple iMac, desktop PC and laptop do not work properly with E-Coder 2.

Does anyone here have a solution?! Or Best Practise?

Thanks and greetings
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E-Coder 2 - Problems 01 Июнь 2023 20:51 #2

  • DG1VM
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Or could my headset be the problem?

I am using a Heil Pro Elite with Dynamic Element.
For this I only have the 3.5 to 6.3 jack adapter.
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E-Coder 2 - Problems 02 Июнь 2023 13:31 #3

  • DG1VM
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Now I´ve tested the E-Coder 2 with separate Power-Supply on USB and the Problem is still the same.
-> I think Power-Supply is not the Problem.

I also tried several Headsets.....also not the Problem.

I think the E-Coder self is Buggy..... :?
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E-Coder 2 - Problems 02 Июнь 2023 14:23 #4

  • SV3RF
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Did you run the "Ecoder2Firmware.exe" firmware update app which is laying inside the ExpertSDR3 program file ?
Mine works perfectly OK after one of the last updates.
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Спасибо сказали: DG1VM

E-Coder 2 - Problems 02 Июнь 2023 14:47 #5

  • DG1VM
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I will test it...thx for the hint!

At the moment i test the E-Coder 2 now on my machines (Apple/Win) with the ESDR2-Software............ and everything is fine :)
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E-Coder 2 - Problems 02 Июнь 2023 15:01 #6

  • DG1VM
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SV3RF пишет:
Did you run the "Ecoder2Firmware.exe" firmware update app which is laying inside the ExpertSDR3 program file .......

OMG...i didn´t see it :dance:

It works perfect!!!!!!!!!!!

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E-Coder 2 - Problems 02 Июнь 2023 15:21 #7

  • SV3RF
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Glad it helped you.
Left click to setup the push buttons.
Right click to setup the 3 knobs at the top.
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Спасибо сказали: DG1VM

E-Coder 2 - Problems 02 Июнь 2023 15:52 #8

  • DG1VM
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SV3RF пишет:
Left click to setup the push buttons.
Right click to setup the 3 knobs at the top.

I have already been able to find that out. :)

I just had imense problems with the audio quality.
Thanks for the tip with the firmware manager

73, Volker
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E-Coder 2 - Problems 18 Сен 2023 11:40 #9

  • VK8MS
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Where about in ESDR3 is a update for e-coder2 firmware as i don't see any reference, i cant get the E-Coder2 to work in Windows.
(works on my iMac)

Mark VK8MS.
Последнее редактирование: 18 Сен 2023 11:41 от VK8MS.
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E-Coder 2 - Problems 19 Сен 2023 12:16 #10

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Роман, Roman
Expert Electronics
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