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ТЕМА: No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine

No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 18 Фев 2024 10:52 #1

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Hey all, This just started recently. I have a Sennheiser MD421-mkII into a CC-1-YM cable that lets me key the radio with a momentary switch. Everything has been working like this since I got the radio almost 2 years ago. Recently, when I push the button to key the radio, the radio keys up but the power on the software reads zero and there is no modulation from the mic. Yet the digital input from FT8 software works perfectly. Any help would be most appreciated. :wall:
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No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 18 Фев 2024 20:57 #2

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Of course you have setting mic to mic 2 under microphone and also in mic settings (eq screen) ?
sm6usu Svante
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No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 18 Фев 2024 23:18 #3

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I always have it set to Mic 2. But I did try em both. I ordered a new mic cable just to see if it could be that, but it isn't here yet. I know if you use a usb mic the standard windows controls will control that, but if you plug into the front of the Sunsdr2DX where is the control that handles that? I really can't remember changing anything and thats why I can't remember cause everything has been running perfectly till now.
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No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 19 Фев 2024 21:04 #4

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Mic 1 teleplug Mic2 RJ45 both using the sunsdr software in pc. Mic pc use other software in pc together with Sunsdr software. Ex. I am using Cakewalk DAW software with xlr interface to usb, and Cakewalk software works together with Sunsdr software.(Using xlr microphone to sunsdr rj45 have to use a adapter configured cable.) I bought mine from Wimo. That is all I have tried and all is working.
sm6usu Svante
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No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 20 Фев 2024 13:31 #5

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I'm using the RJ45 plug in the front of the RIG. I use a Cable that connects the mic to the rig and has a fork that goes to a box with a momentary switch. When you push the switch the radio DOES key up. I have a new cable coming just so I can rule out whether it is the cable or not.

I do use "Virtual Audio Cable" software, but I haven't made any changes to it. I believe this is the software that handles input from the RJ45 and directs it to the mic input of the the PC on the virtual cable called 1 SUNSDR2DX INPUT (or something like that). After I receive the new cable if the mic input still appears not to work I may delete the 2 Virtual Audio Cables I created and make 2 new ones.
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No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 20 Фев 2024 16:46 #6

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Have you tried to cut power totally to the radio, and then turn it on again? This solved the same problem for me!
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No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 21 Фев 2024 09:20 #7

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Yeah, that was the first thing I tried. I have a feeling it's either the cable or some setting with the connection to a virtual cable. The new cable should be arriving tomorrow.
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No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 22 Фев 2024 13:57 #8

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Well, the problem appears to be solved. I downloaded the newest release of the EESDR2 Beta 1.0.7 which uninstalled my current version then installed itself. All of a sudden I can TX with the mic now. Very strange as I never had this problem since I got the radio. The only thing I can imagine is something in windows changed during an update that screwed my TX up. Other than that I got nothin.
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No modulation from Mic, but MSHV keys up radio fine 22 Фев 2024 16:30 #9

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