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ТЕМА: RFI/Ground Loop and network cables shielding

RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 14 Март 2020 09:54 #1

  • HA5OLA
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I am struggling with a big problem with my SunSDR2DX, I always use MON function, but couple weeks ago I switched off and to my big surprise I still hear myself back on my headset on 20/1715/12 meters. I started with the usual remedies:
1.) Grounding: I put a 2m ground-rod under my radioroom in my garage into ground (I have a car service pit wihout foundtation in my garage) grounding wire in 4 sqmm. and 11m long- still same RFI
2.) 1:1 Choke baluns: everywhere! one balun at antenna feedpoint, another after Sunsdr another after tuner - still same RFI
3.) Antenna: I was confident that my Hexbeam is making this issue, so change to a 2 elem 20/17/15/12/10 Prosistel Yagi  - still same RFI

What is also troubling me that when I had the SunSDR2Pro I did not experience such issues. Also if I tune on 15m I many times get "Maximum output message", also if I drive my Acom 600s amp I usually need 20-22W to reach 600W out, buton 15m (21mhz) I only need 5-7W to reach 600W - very strange.

I use Heil Proset-6 headset - the same I used on Sunsdr2Pro. And I use LDG AT-1000ProII tuner.
Also my tower is not so far from my radio room so I can "backfire" on myself, but still there were no problems with Sunsdr2pro.

Any ideas?
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 15 Март 2020 00:23 #2

  • DL9NBJ
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I keep getting these errors "Maximum output message

My question would be, how do you hear yourself back?
Crystal clear or distorted?

It could also come from the Windows settings.
Please check mic settings, see picture

vy 73 de Thilo DL9NBJ
Последнее редактирование: 15 Март 2020 00:30 от DL9NBJ.
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 15 Март 2020 08:49 #3

  • HA5OLA
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Dear OM Thilo,

The sound is what I hear is distorted so its typical RFI .
BTW in Windows 10 I can not find the settings what you mention BUT I do not use PC microphone.

To be honest my problem is that it is only happening with Sunsdr2 if I use my Icom which is 15cms from Sunsdr2 there is no RFI.
Still, my antenna is close to my house so I suspect Shielding, Grounding problem of Sunsdr2.
Strange because it is grounded.

73! Robert
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 16 Март 2020 07:59 #4

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HI, Robert.
Did you try to use ferrite beads on the antenna output of the TRX? We always recommend to use them.

We'll be checking SS2DX operation with an external tuner this week and will fix the firmware if necessary.
Роман, Roman
Expert Electronics
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 16 Март 2020 08:28 #5

  • HA5OLA
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Yes I have ferrite beads everywhere (power supply cable, GPS, PTT microphone etc.). I know its seems ridiculous but I bought a box of ferrite beads and cores and wherever I saw a cable I put it on (even on rotor cable). Also for feedline I have put a Diamond CMF2000 1:1 choke ferrite balun right after SUNSDR2 and between the Amplifier than another between Amp and tuner than another after tuner plus balun at Yagi center.
My problem: that I tested yesterday my Icom 7100 again at it shows no problem. Could I somehow improve shielding of the Sunsdr2?


HA5OLA Robert
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 18 Май 2020 14:29 #6

  • GM4FDM
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I also suffer from this problem, mainly on 10 and 15m. I bought my Sunsdr2 DX in December and have struggled with SSB since. My antenna tower ifs only 15 feet from my shack and the Cushcraft A4S elements are right above me. I run an ACOM 1000. I had no problems with my FT1000MP or my Elecraft K3, but the Sun is terrible on 10/15 = unusable on SSB / FT8 (audio modes). It is better on 10/15 on CW. I am just putting up my 6m beam for the season but not hopeful after my experience on 10m. I have a wide strip of copper running the length of my shack and everything is bonded to the copper (the Sun is only 6"). From the copper striip is a stout earth wire to a copper spike drived full length into the ground right outside my shack. I have type 31 ferrites on everything, mike, key, footswitch, antenna, LAN cable, power cable both on 12v and 230v sides. I have ferrites on my headphones and Heil headset. The RF sounds horrible in the headphones and the power is all over the place on my amplifier. The problem is the proximity of my antenna to the shack. I have a vertical at the bottom of the garden and even at full power it is almost as clear as the K3, but not quite. The shack is in my garage. I have thought about taking the Sun inside my house further away from the tower, but then I'd have a problem routing the coax cable. My windows are all sealed units e.g. I am seriously thinking I may have to sell the Sunsdr. Is there anything else I can try before I make up my mind. I do like it on CW and have used it on RTTY on low bands up to 20m without any great problem, but I do need it to work normally on 10/12/15m. :twisted: :twisted:
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 19 Май 2020 04:21 #7

  • F5RRS
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Here all my cases / boxes are grounded. (computer / Rotator / Power supply / Amplifier / Antennas / etc...). In the past with other equipment I had this issue. Now no more issue with "everything grounded".
Is your ground ok ?
Perhaps try this.
Also try to test puting SSDR2 in another metallic case to double the isolation.

73 - Damien F5RRS
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 19 Май 2020 06:01 #8

  • F1DJY
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I have no problem either since everything is connected to the ground (15 meters of buried cable connected to 6 stakes just at the foot of the station and connected to the ground of the QRA). The PC is a fully shielded fanless mini-PC. I noticed that the USB sockets are very sensitive to HF and for the E-Coder, I put a quality USB isolator! No more problems with 1200W at 10m from the station (Deltaloop and DJ2UT). 73, Jean-Marie F1DJY
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 19 Май 2020 13:24 #9

  • GM4FDM
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I have been thinking about a small faraday cage for the sunsdr2?? MY current grounding is as per my post listed above.... I have NO rfi problems with my FT1000MP or Elecraft K3..
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 25 Май 2020 07:03 #10

  • GM4FDM
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I guess I have managed to solve most of my problems by going back to basics. Solution, move the sun away from my linear even a few feet (about 4)..... One final question, I have not been able to find it in paperwork but can someone please identify for me which socket is which on the rear of the E-coder??
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 25 Май 2020 07:15 #11

  • g0cgl
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2x 6.35mm 1/4inch jack with LHS = KEY and RHS = PTT as viewed in picture.
Последнее редактирование: 25 Май 2020 07:16 от g0cgl.
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RFI/Ground Loop Problem or SunSDR2DX shielding problem 25 Июль 2020 12:05 #12

  • N8SDR
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Hello guys

I fought this for years with another radio- and later after much testing and trying found it can be caused by some network cables getting RF on them

Use type 31 or 43 mix ferrites on the network cable both ends-

Also I found and this varies from station to station- sometimes using regular cat5e with unshielded connector (as in no metal clip on connector) helps and sometimes cat6 with the grounded metal shield-

Also connecting the radio to your computer using a flat wide ground strap can help-
Use good cabling for mic connectors StarQuad cabling is a very good choice- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_quad_cable

Another source can be your PC as well use good cables for any wired cabling you have on your PC- ground your PC (loosen a case screw or one on the power supply and bond there) and a good RFI/EMI surge strip can help as well.

If your using a switch or router that is housed in a metal box, ground it - If plastic good luck- move it in another location as it could be picking up the RF as well

It can be a never ending battle it seems at times. good luck
Please do not email me and ask for help I no longer will be part of this, If I could delete /remove my profile I would do so.
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