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ТЕМА: ExpertRS 0.6.6 Linux build?

ExpertRS 0.6.6 Linux build? 21 Фев 2021 01:06 #31

  • n1mjf
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Yes, this is still an issue.
Current set up: SunSDR2 DX, HiFi audio, Alpha Delta DX-CC up 20 feet.
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ExpertRS 0.6.6 Linux build? 04 Апр 2023 09:28 #32

  • Manuel
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n1mjf пишет:
Yes, this is still an issue.

Here we are, more than two Years later (I triple checked). :?

I just started to use my brand new SunSDR2 PRO and first steps and impressions using ExpertSDR2 were really great. It seems to be a nice piece of mature technology. Remote operation in mind I've downloaded RemoteRS and Client and now having exactly the same issue as described in this thread. Client does not want to connect to Server. Even if tried on the same machine, so no network issues obviously.

Wireshark exposes a HTTP request:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: iifKlHT0VvBToxhBzABGlQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
That's it.

Does the development have reached a dead end quite some time ago?

Hopefully not. :sorry:

I'll try to expose the device itself via VPN now, which is not the best approach, but possibly the only one available.


PS: If there's any help or testing needed, I'm available.
SunSDR Model: SunSDR2 PRO ( PCB Rev. 4 )
PC Hardware: MINIS FORUM HX90, AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX, 3.3GHz, 8/16 cores, 64GB RAM
PC OS: Debian 12, Gnome 43.3, Wayland, 3-monitor setup
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ExpertRS 0.6.6 Linux build? 04 Апр 2023 16:07 #33

  • Manuel
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Manuel пишет:
Here we are, more than two Years later (I triple checked). :?

RemoteRS and Client on the same machine. ExpertSDR2 not running.
It's not a firewall issue, since no rules set, all netfilter policies are ACCEPT, same goes for nat table.

According to the Wireshark snipped, it looks like the server cannot follow some kind of protocol upgrade request by the client (websocket in this case) and the request dies at that stage, after the server TCP-ACK'ed at least. Websocket version mismatch? Source: www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6455
SunSDR Model: SunSDR2 PRO ( PCB Rev. 4 )
PC Hardware: MINIS FORUM HX90, AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX, 3.3GHz, 8/16 cores, 64GB RAM
PC OS: Debian 12, Gnome 43.3, Wayland, 3-monitor setup
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ExpertRS 0.6.6 Linux build? 04 Апр 2023 19:03 #34

  • Manuel
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Okay, I have to admit, that I've hit a dead end here. Expert Remote System (ERS) seems to be the way to go in the future.

As newbie using EE stuff I was under the impression, that ExpertRS along ExpertSDR2 is the current 'stable' way, while anything around ExpertSDR3 is under heavy development and not really usable in production yet. Without knowing any background stories or product politics it's still puzzling, that the RemoteRS solution was never fixed at first, as being the assumed 'stable' software version, while a successor was planned and started in development.

Sorry for the noise. I'll hang around and hope for the best. ;)
I'm talking to myself in this thread anyways, it seems - :hahaha: - nevermind.

Hint for the moderator:

Why not posting a final message telling about your plans and close this thread for posting. This will give some orientation for bloody newbies, like me.
SunSDR Model: SunSDR2 PRO ( PCB Rev. 4 )
PC Hardware: MINIS FORUM HX90, AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX, 3.3GHz, 8/16 cores, 64GB RAM
PC OS: Debian 12, Gnome 43.3, Wayland, 3-monitor setup
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Спасибо сказали: NTZANIS

ExpertRS 0.6.6 Linux build? 05 Апр 2023 12:43 #35

  • Rome
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Hello everyone.
ExpertRemote system (legacy edition) is called legacy for a reason, it is no longer supported, effectively since 2019.
Software for the legacy remote system is not considered stable, thus the naming of ExpertRS 0.6.6. ExpertSDR2 on the other hand is indeed considered stable and suggested for operation, if you don't like to be a part of the open Beta test with ExpertSDR3.
Why we moved to ExpertSDR3 and abandoned ESDR2 along with legacy remote system is partially described in this video -
Роман, Roman
Expert Electronics
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Спасибо сказали: Tom W3FRG
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