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In this category, you can discuss different ways of building an SO2R/SO2V setup.


SO2R-SO2V 29 Окт 2018 11:29 #1

  • sv9djo
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Hi ,
I am trying to find a solution how to transmit on RX2 on SSB, even with ecoder PTT not working and still transmitting on RX1.
On CW working great via ecoder key .
Working as so2v but is not very convenient as each time you need some clicks between first and second VFO
Does any one has try for serial PTT and got it work or any other way?
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SO2R-SO2V 29 Окт 2018 12:02 #2

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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My solution (there may be others but this one is simple):

In Options>Shortcuts>Mox I have assigned keys to RX1 and RX2. Mine are F11 and F12 but anything will suffice.

Press F11 and SSB will be transmitted on RX1. F11 again to close PTT. F12 and SSB will be transmitted on RX2. F12 again to close PTT.

At least with this method there is no need for clicks or selecting the required RX.

Serial PTT method is problematic because, as I have stated in the UMA, there is not yet any "selected RX" or "active RX" feature in ESDR2.

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SO2R-SO2V 29 Окт 2018 18:55 #3

  • sv9djo
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Thanks Erik for reply,
The problem is that i cant assign macros because i have separate PC running ExpertSDR and N1MM running on different PC.
I am not familiar with 5M contest software which use TCI interface if can handle RX1-RX2 automatic shall be a good solution.
On the other hand I am sure that soon ll be a fix on next Expertsdr version as this small beast is contest oriented radio.
I Hope remote software to finish soon so we move on further development with expertsdr.
73 George
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SO2R-SO2V 30 Окт 2018 09:22 #4

  • iw7dmh
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just today I realized this odd feature. Going beyond any possible solution, I think there is a design error and I try to explain it better:
when all four receivers are active, as seen in the first picture, EESDR displays two VFOs with the red TX label and this is wrong because the transmitter is only one, and the rig can transmit on only one VFO. Reading it in another way, it seems that the radio can transmit on two VFOs but you do not know which one is really selected.
Surely I miss something, but it would be much more logical to display only one red TX label, like in the second mock picture. Probably this approach would also solve the problem of using the same button or microphone on any receiver.
What do you think about it?

73' Enzo, iw7dmh


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SO2R-SO2V 30 Окт 2018 09:46 #5

  • aureliandan
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Yes, if you are working with both RX1 and RX2, looking on the screen you cannot see which one is the active one, this is why I've asked long time ago a feature showing the active RX, a big red dot on the active RX or something like this.
With E-coder, you can assign the Switch RX function to one button, this way you can quickly switch active RX, to know which one is active, just move the VFO-knob and you will see on which RX you are. This is working without issues for me.
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SO2R-SO2V 30 Окт 2018 09:59 #6

  • iw7dmh
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Thank you very much for the hint, E-Coder is on my must-have list.
Anyway I hope EESDR GUI will be improved.

73' Enzo
Последнее редактирование: 30 Окт 2018 10:01 от iw7dmh.
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