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In this category, you can discuss different ways of building an SO2R/SO2V setup.
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SO2V 20 Апр 2020 10:10 #1

  • G3XLG
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In this period of enforced lockdown I was thinking of trying SO2V, but how to do it?

I can select SO2V for example in N1MM & probably other Contest Logging programs, but how do I set up EESDR2?

My first thought were to use in RX1, the main VFO as my "Run" frequency & VFO B as the Search & Pounce frequency when things are quiet on the Run frequency. I can use the MIXER button to hear both frequencies in my headphones - eg VFO A in the right ear & VFO B in the Left ear. However there is a problem, because when I am transmitting on one frequency, the other is of course silent.
So OK I could use RX2 as the Search VFO & then tune RX1 VFO B to that same frequency as the Pounce VFO. That way I think I can continue to hear both frequencies in the headphones? But, how can I easily tune the RX1 VFO B to the Search frequency found by RX2 ? Is there a suitable shortcut?

I'm sure others on here have found solutions(s) to using SO2V with the EESDR2 software. ?
Can I use my E-Coder?
Can I use SDC ?
73 Ray G3XLG
Последнее редактирование: 20 Апр 2020 10:12 от G3XLG. Причина: typo
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SO2V 20 Апр 2020 10:32 #2

  • aureliandan
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Hello Ray,

With the existing SunSDR2PRO firmware you cannot hear RX while you TX. Full duplex mode is supported by the hardware, but is not yet implemented in the software. Full duplex is a planned feature in a future release of ExpertSDR2, perhaps this year.
You can use SO2V as you use it now or a pseudo SO2R with RX1 and RX2 on the same band or on different bands but you will not here the other RX when you TX.
And, Yes, you can use SDC and E-Coder.

73, Dan YO3IRM
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SO2V 20 Апр 2020 12:53 #3

  • iw7dmh
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Hi Ray,

for SO2V you just need one serial port on RX1 while in SO2R mode you need a additional com port on RX2. This is enough for N1MM to properly command both vfos or both rigs.
For the S&P operations you need a dedicated bandmap (on second VFO or on second rig). Then you can use the following shortcuts to move from one spot to another

Ctrl+Down Arrow – Get next spot higher in frequency.
Ctrl+Up Arrow – Get next spot lower in frequency.
Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow – Get next spot higher in frequency that is a multiplier.
Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow – Get next spot lower in frequency that is a multiplier.

Anyway there is a missing point with EESDR audio control. At the moment it doesn't support the OTRSP protocol, so you can't use this nice and powerful N1MM feature. So you have to make a choice between listening both vfos on both ears or listen one vfo for each ear. You can find other informations in the Addendum Manual by Erik.

On the other side, 5MContest can go over this tricky setup because it can control EESDR using the TCI protocol. Once you configure the TCI connection it can handle one or two vfos/rigs with their Key & Ptt lines. All this can be done without hw or virtual serial ports and without hw interfaces. You may find other informations on the following link https://translate.google.it/translate?hl=it&sl=it&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fiw7dmh.jimdofree.com%2Fsunsdr2-pro-pages%2F5mcontest-guida-parte-1%2F

In addition my whish is, one day, EESDR will provide a OTRSP dedicated com port and the TCI protocol will be enhanced with audio control commands for both receivers.

I hope it can help you
Best regards
Enzo, iw7dmh
Последнее редактирование: 20 Апр 2020 13:02 от iw7dmh.
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SO2V 21 Апр 2020 13:40 #4

  • G3XLG
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My thanks to both Dan & Enzo.for their replies
Yes, having tried, I confirm that I cannot hear another station when I am transmitting!. So the sooner EE make Duplex available the better.Dan
Enzo, I downloaded 5MContest and your very helpful notes on setting up the software, but I haven't tried it yet. The problem is that the contests I use on a weekly basis are RSGB & UKEICC contests which are not supported in 5MContest logger.
So in the meantime I can sort of use SO2V with N1MM by using VFO A as my Run frequency & VFO B as my S&P frequency. I can use RX2 to tune around looking for a S&P station by switching the E-Coder to RX2, but I then have to synchronise that frequency to VFO B to send my Call Sign - as I can't transmit directly from RX2. It would be much easier if there was a shortcut to synchronise the RX2 VFO with VFO B on RX1.
In Vasily's latest U-Tube (this week) on TX Processing he mentions that there will be a number of audio enhancements available very soon, maybe he will also implement OTRSP at the same time?
Thank you both for your help
73 Ray G3XLG
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SO2V 21 Апр 2020 14:12 #5

  • aureliandan
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Hi Ray,
you don't need to sync RX2 with VFOB, just use N1MM SO2R instead SO2V and all will be ok. You will be able to keep RX1 as RUN ffreq and TX on RX2 when you find a S&P station you want to work. I've used this configuration with N1MM for many contests and is working without any issues. As you have an E-coder it is even better, you can allocate distinct buttons for listening only RX1, RX2 or RX1 on the left and RX2 on the right ear in the same time. To make your life easier during the contest, add also a button to activate RX2 and another one to switch between RX1/RX2.
I've just started to use 5MContest ... what a software ... since than, I forgot about N1MM. all is so simple in combination with SunSDR (TCI), for example just one TAB to switch to RX2 or VFO/B and your E-Coder will follow the software, no need to press a button, focus will change automatically, also navigating between spots with Up/Down arrow is much simple than N1MM, SSB integration is way to simple, you can automate your SSB exchange very simple (check on Enzo's site you will find a great tutorial for that). I'm sure that you can define a custom contest also in 5M software or you can use one that is similar with UKEiCC. First time when using 5M is intimidating due to the lack of English help and multiple options you can choose but a little perseverance will fully reward you. 73, Dan yo3irm
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SO2V 21 Апр 2020 14:47 #6

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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5M does not have to be intimidating. There is a starter guide in the UMA and exhaustive detail by Enzo on his web site.

5M help file does not have to be lacking in English either. You can have a translated document for the text, leaving only the pictures in Russian. These are simple to understand in all cases since you only need to open the corresponding 5M settings windows for comparison. It takes just 2 minutes to have a usuable English help file.

You need a web browser that automatically translates web pages, such as Chrome. You need a small zip file application called 7-zip. It is free and can be found in a search. Once installed just right-click on CHM file and choose "7-Zip" -> "Open archive". And then click "Extract" on 7-Zip, choose an output folder, then click OK. Once the extract completes, you get an outputted multi-page HTML and image files.

Open a page and on the top right click 'Top' to get to the header page of the help file with index. Chrome will translate to English - an example is below:

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Спасибо сказали: iw7dmh

SO2V 22 Апр 2020 12:52 #7

  • iw7dmh
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Great revelation!
Thank youv ery much Erik!

73' Enzo
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SO2V 22 Апр 2020 14:38 #8

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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That is ok, Enzo. Just to add that after Chrome translates each page, it can be saved to retain the translated language.

I received a question about printing out the whole translated document but I do not know the answer. After saving each page it can be individually printed, so that is one way to do it, but if anyone knows how to globally print the whole extracted and translated output in one go, please post the solution here.


Последнее редактирование: 22 Апр 2020 14:38 от g0cgl.
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SO2V 22 Апр 2020 14:46 #9

  • iw7dmh
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I was looking for something similar too, but no luck until now.
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SO2V 22 Апр 2020 15:30 #10

  • G4ENZ
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Using the new Microsoft Edge, which also auto-translates, I scrolled through the 14 pages of Part 1 "5M Contest - TCI Support Log". I then printed using Microsoft's driver that allows print to PDF. The resulting PDF file is all in English.

Hope this helps,
73 Martin
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SO2V 22 Апр 2020 18:21 #11

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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That is the answer, Martin!

Thank you.

73 de Erik.
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SO2V 22 Апр 2020 20:11 #12

  • G3XLG
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Hi Martin
That is Enzo's document & is not the problem, to download or translate!
The document we need is in Russian & is the Help file on the 5MContest website. I have not tried to use Edge but I suspect it wont work
73 Ray G3XLG
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SO2V 22 Апр 2020 20:15 #13

  • G4ENZ
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Sorry Ray, I didn't understand what you were trying to do. No, Edge won't help with that one.
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SO2V 22 Апр 2020 20:47 #14

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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Yes, Martin is correct - after translating, save to PDF. He was referring to Enzo's document but the same principle applies. This I did not know before.

So, to save you all some grief, I have prepared the entire 5M help file as an English language PDF.

It can be downloaded at www.dropbox.com/s/6s4kgdong2e5517/5m_help_eng.pdf?dl=0

Please note the following: the hyper-links do not work. So when, for example, you see a hyper-link for Omni-rig settings then the link will not take you to the page. A simple workaround is to open the PDF in Chrome and execute the keyboard command control-F which will open the in-page search dialogue. Enter 'omni-rig' (or whatever you want to find) and all the instances will be listed for quick access.

I hope it helps.

Последнее редактирование: 22 Апр 2020 20:47 от g0cgl.
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Спасибо сказали: iw7dmh

SO2V 22 Апр 2020 21:19 #15

  • G3XLG
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That's brilliant Erik & also thanks to Martin for the new approach
73 Ray G3XLG
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