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In this category, you can discuss different ways of building an SO2R/SO2V setup.

ТЕМА: SO2R with SunSDR's

SO2R with SunSDR's 30 Янв 2021 03:43 #1

  • G3XLG
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I am thinking of trying out SO2R (single op, two radios) with a SunSDR2Pro (with amp) & a SunSDR2-DX, My current contesting set up of one radio, is the SunSDR2Pro with SDC & 5MContest which all integrate seamlessly.
I have a number of questions about an SO2R set up though:
1. Has anyone already set up SO2R with two SunSDR radios? I do not want to try & re-invent the wheel and would be happy to receive some advice!
2. Can I have two instances of EESDR2 (or EESDR3 when it arrives) on the same Windows10 PC?
3. I know that I need a switching device between the two radios for the key, microphone & headphones & that I need to use a suitable logging program like N1MM+ or 5MContest set to SO2R, but can SDC run with two separate radios or do i need two instances of SDC on my PC?
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SO2R with SunSDR's 30 Янв 2021 21:41 #2

  • iw7dmh
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Hello Ray,

I suspect that, until release 3, you have to install EESDR on a second PC.
Once you do it, you can work SO2R running 5MContest and SDC on the same computer:
- on 5MContest, from the 8.0.1 release, you can configure a second TCI client (give a look at the pictures below)
- on SDC you can add an additional TCI client that is connected to the EESDR running on the second PC

I am just curious as you and I can't imagine a different setup

Best 73'
Enzo, iw7dmh

EDIT: maybe there is a trick that I don't know to install the current EESDR version on the same computer


Последнее редактирование: 30 Янв 2021 21:49 от iw7dmh.
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SO2R with SunSDR's 30 Янв 2021 22:48 #3

  • SM0JCA
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I have done it!
2xSunSDR2 Pro and microHam u2R cw and microphone switch conneted to Spe 1.3k-FA amplifier.
2xExpertSDR2 plus N1MM inSO2R mode plus SDC (one unit)
Everything on one PC with two monitors.
Pc is a i7, 1 TB SSD, 32.GB RAM, Windows 10 Pro
Dedicated IP adress for each radio, only tested local LAN with router so far.
One VSP and one VAC will be fine for two radios.
Be prepared for a bit of learning.
73 de Erik
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SO2R with SunSDR's 31 Янв 2021 08:11 #4

  • iw7dmh
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Hell Erik,

thank you very much for the hints.
The missing part for me was the ability to run EESDR twice on the same computer. I never tested it before.
When I run the second instance of EESDR I have to answer "YES" to the dialog box you can see in the picture below.
So, all Ray questions, now are answered.

Thank you again
73 '

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SO2R with SunSDR's 31 Янв 2021 10:38 #5

  • SM0JCA
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Glad that I could give some useful hints! :good:
73 Erik
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SO2R with SunSDR's 31 Янв 2021 11:55 #6

  • G3XLG
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Hi Guys
I also heard direct from Yuri Pavlov the creator of the SDC program. He advised as follows::-
1. Create a second short cut for the EESDR2 program by a Right click on the Icon select Properties, then Target, see Attachment 1
2.Two instances of SDC are not needed but instead enter another TCI Client (TCI tab in SDC) and connect it to the second transceiver, create skimmers etc - see Attachment 2
Sorry I did this with attachments but could not post directly into this thread.
I haven't got my second EE radio yet but looking forward to trying this out.
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SO2R with SunSDR's 31 Янв 2021 18:29 #7

  • Ea7ely
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Hello guys!
Erik, could you help us with your SO2R setup? In my case, I have 2 sunsdr2 pro available. Windows 10 and 32 mega RAM.
But little knowledge of configuration. thank you very much.
73, Antonio
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SO2R with SunSDR's 01 Фев 2021 21:00 #8

  • SM0JCA
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Hello Antonio!
I will try:
Step 1: Define two virtual com port cables for CAT and PTT control for each radio in the VSPE program.
Step 2: Define audio cables for each radio in the VAC Control program.
Step 3: Start two intances of ExpertSDR2 and make sure that each radio is connected with separate IP adresses i.e. port 50001 and port 50003
Step 4: Star logging program in SO2R mode and define each radio CAT com port and PTT com port
In my case I have the USB Microham u2R unit for automatic switching of headphones audio and CW keying in SO2R. You can setup Digital Voice Keyer (DVK) and Winkeyer to be triggered by the logging program, mine is N1MM+ logger.
The N1MM+ controls two radios with one keyboard and one mouse in SO2R with CAT control. Remember to activate Winkeyer, DVK and OTRSP protocol in the logger setup.
I suggest you spend a week or two to really learn all the ins and out to get familiar with everything before you will succeed in a stable system.
Do you have all the hardware needed? Microham unit, antennas, antenna switches with relay control etc. etc.
You also need to measure signals for antenna separation and harmonics to ensure that you will not kill the reciever in a radio, maybee you will need extra bandpass filters.
In my case I have a very strong harmonic RFI from outside rectification in nearby installations of some kind that I have not been able to sort out yet. :dance:
My amplifier has +60 dBm output and the harmonic on the other bands by this RFI is in the order of S9+40 dB and severe pumping in cw. :wall:
I mention this just to give you an idea how much problem I have run into when trying to work SO2R at 1 kW with simple antennas in my garden.
I wish you the best of luck and look forward the have your comments when you have started with your SO2R journey! :good:
72 de Erik SM0JCA
Последнее редактирование: 01 Фев 2021 21:02 от SM0JCA.
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SO2R with SunSDR's 06 Фев 2021 12:05 #9

  • Ea7ely
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Hello Erick
Thank you very much for all the information ... which will be very useful to me.
This afternoon I will dedicate myself to configuring.
Thank you very much and people like you, who help selflessly and share their knowledge, make amateur radio a fantastic hobby.
73 friend!

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SO2R with SunSDR's 06 Фев 2021 12:22 #10

  • Ea7ely
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if I have an "old" SO2R setup with the microham + Station master + filters .... etc.
Since I discovered sunsdr2 everything has changed for me and now I want to do it with the new equipment.
Unfortunately I don't have much time but little by little and with the help of people like you and other colleagues we will configure it ...
Thank you very much friend!

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SO2R with SunSDR's 28 Сен 2021 12:51 #11

  • DB3FJ
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I have a question not 100% related to the topic, but it is going in the same way. Not knowing when full duplex will be available, I am wondering if I could use your setup with two SunSDR or with one SunSDR and one Colibir for ham satellites?
I would appreciate any helpful hint or maybe someone has a work around for doing ham satellites with the SunSDR and some additional equipment!

73 Karsten
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SO2R with SunSDR's 28 Сен 2021 18:15 #12

  • SM0JCA
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My knowledege is very limited and based on trial and error for SO2R. Basicaly I think you can set up a Colibri RX in a similar way. Just make the Colibri antenna "Only RX".
This is just guesswork as I have no Colibri and it was some 30 years since I used satellite mode.
73 Erik
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SO2R with SunSDR's 25 Сен 2022 15:28 #13

  • ES7GM
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How did you solve the MIC input? I have 2 SDR's connected to MK2R+ via TS480 original cable. Everything is fine and DVK messages work, but for some odd reason I can't get my MIC through when I press footswitch. When I go TX with MOX button and then talk, it works just fine. After pressing PTT no voice goes through. Any ideas?

73! Kris, ES7GM
SM0JCA пишет:
Hello Antonio!
I will try:
Step 1: Define two virtual com port cables for CAT and PTT control for each radio in the VSPE program.
Step 2: Define audio cables for each radio in the VAC Control program.
Step 3: Start two intances of ExpertSDR2 and make sure that each radio is connected with separate IP adresses i.e. port 50001 and port 50003
Step 4: Star logging program in SO2R mode and define each radio CAT com port and PTT com port
In my case I have the USB Microham u2R unit for automatic switching of headphones audio and CW keying in SO2R. You can setup Digital Voice Keyer (DVK) and Winkeyer to be triggered by the logging program, mine is N1MM+ logger.
The N1MM+ controls two radios with one keyboard and one mouse in SO2R with CAT control. Remember to activate Winkeyer, DVK and OTRSP protocol in the logger setup.
I suggest you spend a week or two to really learn all the ins and out to get familiar with everything before you will succeed in a stable system.
Do you have all the hardware needed? Microham unit, antennas, antenna switches with relay control etc. etc.
You also need to measure signals for antenna separation and harmonics to ensure that you will not kill the reciever in a radio, maybee you will need extra bandpass filters.
In my case I have a very strong harmonic RFI from outside rectification in nearby installations of some kind that I have not been able to sort out yet. :dance:
My amplifier has +60 dBm output and the harmonic on the other bands by this RFI is in the order of S9+40 dB and severe pumping in cw. :wall:
I mention this just to give you an idea how much problem I have run into when trying to work SO2R at 1 kW with simple antennas in my garden.
I wish you the best of luck and look forward the have your comments when you have started with your SO2R journey! :good:
72 de Erik SM0JCA
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SO2R with SunSDR's 26 Сен 2022 21:11 #14

  • SM0JCA
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I had a quick look into the MK2R+ manual as I do not have that unit.
I assume that you are operating ssb as you use PTT with a footswitch.
Understanding TX focus in manual or automatic mode as well as audio routing have extensive points in the manual. Dual footswitches are also described for SO2R.
You are recommended to spend quite some time to absorb this rather complicated information.
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