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ТЕМА: ExpertSDR2 software for MB1

ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 15 Июль 2016 14:46 #1

  • eeadminexpert
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Expert Electronics
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 17 Июль 2016 16:50 #2

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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Anybody have knowledge of a software digital voice keyer that can be used with the MB1. Also how to interface it. I've tried N1MM and K9DUR keyer for SDR but without success.
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 18 Июль 2016 07:34 #3

  • VassiL
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  • Разработчик SDR-техники, Developer of SDR
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Do you want to use audio macroses?
For it should be used CAT system for PTT and frequency control and Virtual Audio Cables for transfering audio from N1MM to ExpertSDR2.
Please clarify.
Василий, Vasily,
Expert Electronics
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 18 Июль 2016 08:45 #4

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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yes macros - from N1MM or other DVK software
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 18 Июль 2016 13:14 #5

  • Anti
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For live Questions join plz the skype group -> Expert MB1 Group

yv 73

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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 18 Июль 2016 19:51 #6

  • Anti
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Click here

Click here


Последнее редактирование: 18 Июль 2016 19:53 от Anti.
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 31 Июль 2016 11:53 #7

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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I cannot save 'Don't Save Drive by Band or Mode' in ExpertSDR2. It always returns as checked even though I uncheck it and save the Profile.
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 06 Авг 2016 09:20 #8

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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This is now fixed - thank you.
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Спасибо сказали: Anti

ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 19 Окт 2016 19:39 #9

  • VassiL
  • VassiL аватар
  • Вне сайта
  • Разработчик SDR-техники, Developer of SDR
  • Сообщений: 495
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This is a test version of the software ExpertSDR2 for MB1.

Link: ExpertSDR2 1.1.3 RC5 MB1

The information about new functions and fixes from RC4(was not published) and RC5 versions.

Main changes:
RIT/XIT bug fixes
Bug fixed in the CAT system, which can freeze ExpertSDR2 software
Into CAT system was added global volume control
Bug fixed of Split/SubRX settings
Now if you press to Voice Play button by left mouse button, the software will switch TRX to TX mode and will play record. By right mouse button - only play record without TX mode.
Was improved waterfall, now you can see fast signals on the waterfall
If you cahge band, SubRX and Split will be switched off
Added RX ANT button
Added presets of audio mixer for RX1/RX2 switching to E-Coder panel functions
Added RX1/RX2 switching control to E-Coder panel with auto audio mute in other RX.
Fixed bug in VOX. When the radio in TX mode and the VOX function switched off, the radio stayed in TX. Now after swithing VOX function radio goes to RX.

Improved equalizer in RX and TX modes
Improved CW keying via COM-ports
Fixed bug with PA switch(always worked in TUNE mode)
Improved SWR protection function
Fixed bug in PWR and T.PWR functions
TxB button now works on the front panel. It switches on/off SubRX and SPLIT at the same time.
Fixed bug in the NB function. When threshold was less then 1.17 the software freezed
Fixed High SWR indicator bug in the MB1 GUI
Fixed ATU bug. Now if ATU can not match impedance, the radio goes to RX mode.
Added User filter indication
The protocol between SDR board and PC was optimised
Into the Desktop GUI was added audio buttons PC/SDR/Speaker
Bug fixed. When you long pressed to PLAY button on the front panel - it was not played. Now it's played.
Improved VOX
Bug fixed. Power correction coefficients now works correctly
Bug fixed in CW (if you press write button CW settings stayed in reset)

How the RX ANT button works:
The RX ANT button switches on the antenna port with RX antenna, which was chosed in the menu. You can not set antenna port as RX ONLY if this port is used for TX mode.

The audio mixer presets description:
If you uses two independent receivers RX1 and RX2 in SO2R mode or in other applications and you want to listen only RX1, or only RX2, or both receiver but in the different channels(left/right), you can use new functions. You can set these functions in the E-Coder panel.
1. Both RXes with the same audio level in left and right channels;
2. Listen only RX1;
3. Listen only RX2;
4. Listen RX1 in left channel, and RX2 in right channel;
5. Listen RX1 in right channel, and RX2 in left channel;
Василий, Vasily,
Expert Electronics
Последнее редактирование: 19 Окт 2016 19:58 от VassiL.
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 21 Окт 2016 13:43 #10

  • VassiL
  • VassiL аватар
  • Вне сайта
  • Разработчик SDR-техники, Developer of SDR
  • Сообщений: 495
  • Спасибо получено: 123
The new version of the ExpertSDR2 software for the MB1 transceiver.

Link: ExpertSDR2 1.1.3 RC6 MB1

Main changes:
RIT/XIT bug fixes
VAC level the same as mic.
RF gain saving per mode
AF saving per mode
S-meter readings corrected on 6M
All non-worked controls after using shows the message: This funcrion will be available soon.
Василий, Vasily,
Expert Electronics
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 21 Окт 2016 14:09 #11

  • g0cgl
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  • Erik EI4KF / G0CGL
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Warning to anyone installing RC6: this version has a serious initial setting fault. After installing, turn off the radio in the software. For every band and each of the 3 frequency presets, adjust down the volume. Do not have the radio on because all volume levels start up at 100% and if, like me, you happen to have been wearing headphones, it is extremely painful. After making the adjustments, your settings are saved and the radio can be used normally.
Последнее редактирование: 21 Окт 2016 14:09 от g0cgl. Причина: word omission
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ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 21 Окт 2016 16:31 #12

  • VassiL
  • VassiL аватар
  • Вне сайта
  • Разработчик SDR-техники, Developer of SDR
  • Сообщений: 495
  • Спасибо получено: 123
The ExpertSDR2 1.1.3 RC6 version was updated - VOX spladders was fixed.
The volume level (AF Gain = -20dB) was decreased to -20dB for those who install it first time. If you already installed RC6 version, the volume will be the same as saved by you.
The link the same as in my previous message.
Василий, Vasily,
Expert Electronics
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Спасибо сказали: Anti

ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 08 Дек 2016 09:27 #13

  • VassiL
  • VassiL аватар
  • Вне сайта
  • Разработчик SDR-техники, Developer of SDR
  • Сообщений: 495
  • Спасибо получено: 123
Dear all,
you can download the latest version of the ExpertSDR2 1.1.3 RC9 software for MB1 from the folowing link: eesdr.com/en/products-en/transceivers-en/mb1-en#download

Main changes in the ExpertSDR2:
• Fixed bug in the IQ audio interface for CW Skimmer.
• Fixed bug in the CAT-system, which can freeze the software
• Fixed bug in profiles - non switching the CAT ports after profiles switching
• Fixed bug in the Voltage/temp/current meters - was very slow.
• Fixed bug - the Drive level was not saved by band if the band was changed via CAT system.
• Fixed bug in the OmniRig unit - the frequency can not be changed.
• Was optimized drawing algorithm for waterfall. The CPU load should be decreased.

• Fixed bug of the drawing the signal in Tune mode.
• Fixed bug of the drawing the signal in CW in BreakIN mode.
• Fixed IQ recording bug.
• Fixed bug in CW mode in Reverse puddle mode.
• Fixed bug with zero output power.

Warning! If the software is not offer you to upgrade the firmware automatically, please, do it manually! Options--Device--Expert--Firmware update button.
Василий, Vasily,
Expert Electronics
Последнее редактирование: 08 Дек 2016 12:36 от VassiL.
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Спасибо сказали: ua3arf

ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 21 Дек 2016 15:07 #14

  • f4bwj
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I've seen there was a RC12 and now there is a RC13.
Is it possible to know what's new in these new successive ExpertSDR21.1.3 for MB-1 release candidates versions?

Many thanks a lot in advance.
Последнее редактирование: 21 Дек 2016 15:07 от f4bwj.
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Спасибо сказали: Anti

ExpertSDR2 software for MB1 03 Апр 2017 09:41 #15

  • Rome
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Hi, everyone!
Today we released new ExpertSDR2 1.2 alpha 5 software, you can download it from the MB1/Downloads tab on our web-site.
Release Notes attached as usual.
Роман, Roman
Expert Electronics
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