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In this category, you can discuss different ways of building an SO2R/SO2V setup.

ТЕМА: SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 ExpertSDR2 instances?

SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 08 Янв 2018 19:38 #1

  • ON5MF
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for now I use a SunSDR2 pro and a Yeasu FTdx5000 for SO2R contesting.

But I wonder if it is possible to run 2 SunSDR2 pro and 2 instances of ExpertSDR on the same PC? (W7 or W10)
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 02 Фев 2018 20:38 #2

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Is there noone who can answer this question?

It would be pretty stupid to have to buy another brand of SDR for my second radio.
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 02 Фев 2018 21:23 #3

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As always, a direct email to Roman @ EE will elicit the answer - usually very quickly too.
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 23 Июнь 2018 09:22 #4

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Have you found a solution? I would be curious about your setup. How do you have SunSDR and FTDX5000 work in SO2R. I suppose you use some external SO2R interface.

It would be great to be able to add another SunDSR radio, (either a TCVR or just a receiver like a Colibri) into the same instance of the ExpertSDR software. That would eliminate the need of an external SO2R controller and also help the problem that both radios have to use the same antenna for receive (which makes it impossible to use external BPFs as far as I understand..

73, Chris
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 25 Июнь 2018 06:56 #5

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Hi, Jurgen.
You can use two any of our devices at the same time, on one PC, to do that you can use installed ExpertSDR2.

You should create two different shortcuts on the desktop and add in each shortcut different "options_your name.ini" text in the Target line.
1st shortcut line: "C:\Program Files\ExpertElectronics\ExpertSDR2 SunSDR2\ExpertSDR2.exe" options1.ini
2nd shortcut line: "C:\Program Files\ExpertElectronics\ExpertSDR2 SunSDR2\ExpertSDR2.exe" options2.ini

In this case, the software will save two different Options file.

Also, there is an ExpertSync software for the synchronization of several devices, under control of the ExpertSDR2, over the following link you may find the installer and the user manual - eesdr.com/en/support-en/software-en
Роман, Roman
Expert Electronics
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 25 Июнь 2018 15:07 #6

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see below link fro Bjørn at SUNSDR EU, Will this help


Последнее редактирование: 25 Июнь 2018 15:07 от la7tha.
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 26 Июнь 2018 07:08 #7

  • Rome
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There are newer schematic published on our website - eesdr.com/en/products-en/transceivers-en/sunsdr2pro-en#documentation
Роман, Roman
Expert Electronics
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 24 Июль 2018 14:00 #8

  • HA5X
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Hi Roman,

So, here is my idea, please tell me if it is possible. My problem is that my antennas are single band, plus I want to use external BPFs. Also, when the FullDuplex feature comes in the software, it would be great to have real SO2R with just one ExpertSDR software, So I thought of adding an SDR receiver, let's say the Colibri Nano.

Hardware: SS2PRO + Colibri Nano + MFJ-1708B-SDR switch box

ANT 2 port dedicated to RX1
ANT 3 port shared with SS2PRO RX2 and Colibri Nano through the MFJ-1708B-SDR box..

SS2PRO RX2 and Colibri Nano frequencies are synchronised
On the RX2 frequency, it is always the Colibri receiving and SS2Pro transmitting

How can I handle this in ExpertSDR2? Can it be made transparent, ie. that I control the whole setup in an easy way from the same piece of software?
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 25 Июль 2018 07:04 #9

  • Rome
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Hi, Krisztian.

It will work with 2 instances of the ExpertSDR2 (1 for SunSDR2 PRO and 2 for ColibriNANO).
At the moment there is ExpertSync software, which allows syncing several devices, you can find it here: eesdr.com/en/support-en/software-en

The only difference is RX1 of the SS2PRO will be synced with RX (the only RX) of the ColibriNANO on one antenna port
And RX2 of the SS2PRO on the other antenna port
Роман, Roman
Expert Electronics
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SO2R with 2 SunSDR2pro and 2 times ExpertSDR? 16 Авг 2018 09:38 #10

  • HA5X
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Thanks, Roman. I tried ExpertSync, it seems to work fine, but not sure if it is possible to see the signals picked up by the Nano on the spectrum/waterfall of RX1 of the SSDR2PRO RX1 screen, maybe not. This might be a problem, but. perhaps you can live with it. Anyway, before spending too much, it would be good to try it. I am currently looking for a Nano for a test, but there seems not to be any in my area.
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